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Pakshal Shah
26 Years,
60 Kg
Jain, Jain Bania
Ahmedabad, India
Jimit Shah
36 Years,
5ft 8in,
68 Kg
Jain, Jain Deravasi
Mumbai, India
Akshay Shah
25 Years,
5ft 8in,
55 Kg
Jain, Jain
Ahmedabad, India
Bhavya Nahar
28 Years,
6ft 1in,
99 Kg
Jain, Jain Swetambar
Indore, India
Harsh Dugar
27 Years,
5ft 7in,
71 Kg
Jain, Jain Oshwal
Delhi, India
Prasha Maloo
40 Years,
5ft 9in,
78 Kg
Jain, Jain Oshwal
Ahmedabad, India